
Historic Buildings 2008

Etkinlik Başlangıç - Bitiş Tarihi: 30 Ocak 2008
Yer: Royal College of Surgeons, Londra - İngiltere
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Striking a balance between modern requirements and preserving our cultural heritage is an ongoing concern for architects. This recurring theme forms the basis of key design decisions on listed building works. But protecting and enhancing historic buildings throws up all manner of complexities.

These range from incorporating modern servicing without damaging the historic fabric of the building, to specifying the right materials for repair and restoration. With the recently published Heritage White Paper setting out significant changes in listed building conservation, architects need to know how this will affect their work.

The AJ’s "Historic Buildings 2008" conference brings together the key figures actively involved in heritage architecture to explore latest developments and offer practical advice in adapting and regenerating our historic landscape.

Top five reasons to attend: 
- Understand the changes set out in the new Heritage White Paper
- Discover approaches for incorporating contemporary servicing into historic buildings and improving their energy efficiency - Learn about strategies for controlling costs on listed building works
- Gain practical tips from a series of case studies addressing: accessibility, combining restoration with modernisation, and sensitive re-use
- Meet, discuss and debate with the key figures in heritage works across the UK
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