
P&D Design 8

Etkinlik Başlangıç - Bitiş Tarihi: 08 - 11 Ekim 2008
Yer: Centro Universitario Senac, Sao Paulo - Brezilya
E-posta: [email protected]
Web Sitesi:

The 8th Brazilian Congress on Design, Research and Development will be held on 08 - 11 October 2008 in Sao Paulo, Brazil. "P&D Design - Brazilian Conference of Design Research and Development" is a biannual event that intends to promote the discussion about design research and education. This scientific event, currently the biggest design conference in Latin America, is an important forum for spreading and discussing prominent questions in this area, either resultant of applied or basic research.

The first edition of this conference was held in 1994, in São Paulo city, organized by UNIP (Paulista University), AEnD-BR (the Brazilian Association for Design Education) and the journal Estudos em Design (Design Studies). This first edition had the participation of 24 institutions of design education and research, represented by researchers from eight Brazilian states and international guests.

Workshops and side events (roundtables, thematic gatherings, etc.) are been programmed for the 8th October 2008.

The congressmen who have opted for 'full pack' registration will be able to participate at the workshops that will be offered during the 8th October. There is no need for prior booking. The participation is subject to the limit of vacancies, considering the order of arrival.

The 3rd Senac Symposium on Materials and the Interactive Design and Technologies Roundtable are free roundtables for all event participants.
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