
Museum Buildings: Projects for the Perception

Etkinlik Başlangıç - Bitiş Tarihi: 24 Eylül 2008
Etkinlik Başlangıç - Bitiş Saati: 17:30 - 20:00
Yer: Center for Architecture, New York - ABD
E-posta: [email protected]
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Culture is transmitted through language, ritual, institutions, art, and material objects, from one generation to the next. Anthropologists understand culture to include the social relationships and practices in which objects like buildings become embedded.

Using the lens of culture in this broad sense, the lecture series will focus on Swiss architecture and the aspects of art, science, technology, and sustainability. Each lecture will highlight a Swiss architect’s presentation of his / her work as well as a public exchange between the architect and a New York professional to illuminate the complex issues of culture and architecture from both sides of the Atlantic.

Contemporary Swiss Architecture: Culture Transmitted and Transformed
In this first lecture in the series, Swiss Architect Annette Gigon will present her firm’s recent museum projects followed by a discussion with Professors Brian Carter and Annette LeCuyer on Gigon/Guyer’s ideas of perception in the museum environment.

- Annette Gigon (Gigon / Guyer Architects, Zurich)
- Brian Carter and/or Annette Le Cuyer (School of Architecture and Planning, SUNY Buffalo)
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