
Conference: Historic Buildings

Etkinlik Başlangıç - Bitiş Tarihi: 11 - 12 Temmuz 2006
Yer: 27 Sussex Place, Londra - İngiltere
Adres: Conference Registration Ground Floor 33-39 Bowling Green Lane EC1R 0DA, Londra - İngiltere
E-posta: constructconferences@emap...
Web Sitesi: www.ajaffordablehousing...
Too great an emphasis on preservation over change could threaten the continued use of historic buildings, and even their survival. Architects must ensure that these structures continue to function as living, breathing, buildings, but that they also retain something of the essence of the original structure.

Getting to grips with complex building regulations, planning and listing rules, as well as current thinking on heritage architecture is essential if you are to get planning permission, win work and get ‘buy in’ for your historic schemes. Attend The Architects’ Journal’s Hıstorıc Buıldıngs conference for an in-depth and fresh look at developing innovative approaches to working with historic structures.

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