

Kaçırmayın  Yeni

I. Pekin Mimarlık Bienali  2004 Sergisi
20 Eylül - 6 Ekim 2004, Exhibition at National Gallery, Pekin - Çin 

Exhibitions & Forums (A)

A1- Exhibition: Works of International Master Architects
Forum: Presentations by Exhibitors of International Master Architects
Size: Exhibition Area: 5,100 square meters
Forum: 800-1,000 participants
Subjects: Showing the works of 20 international master architects and the works of
20 young architects. Invited speakers will give presentations on their design
philosophy and works, panel discussion will follow the presentation.

A2- Exhibition: Architecture/None Architecture (Design Works of Students)
Forum: Art and Architectural Creation in the 21st Century
Size: Exhibition: 6,000 square meters
Forum: 1,000 participants
Subjects: The exhibition with a theme of Architecture/None Architecture showing the design works of students from schools of architecture in the world. Young Architects and Student Forum will be organized.

A3- Exhibition: Master Plans of World Cities and Towns
Forum: Peak Forum of Urban Planning
Size: Exhibition: 10,000 square meters
Forum: 500-600 participants
Subjects: Showing the master plans of selected cities and towns, forum topics including the case study on master plans, urban life and ecology, urban space and city development, image of the city and development of tourism industry. Mayors and Chief Planners of the cities will be invited as speakers.

A4 - Exhibition: Community Culture
Forum: Community Culture and Urban Development
Size: Main Exhibition: 6,000 square meters + 20 communities
Forum: over 2,000 participants
Subjects: A main exhibition place showing the planning, building and environmental design, landscape, street furniture, ecology, management, public facilities of the living quarters in different parts of the world. And 20 newly built communities in Beijing are selected for the study tour of participants. Forums will be organized in the selected community and professionals and citizens from different ranks will be invited to take part in.

A5 - Exhibition: Interior Design
Forum: Interior Design and Living Environment
Size: Exhibition: 40 flats (totally 10,000 square meters)
Forum: over 2,000 participants
Subjects: 40 new flats in Phoenix Town are selected as the place for the in-site exhibition of interior design. 40 interior designers from different parts of the world will be invited and each one will practice on one flat. Also, the exhibition on the works of traditional and modern designs of interior will be shown by means of exhibiting panels and models. Architects, interior designers and residents will be invited to the forum.

A6 - Exhibition: Public Space and Urban Environment
Forum: Public Space and Urban Environment
Size: Exhibition: 10,000 square meters
Forum: over 2,000 participants
Subjects: Showing the planning and design works of public spaces (squares, streets, landscape, parks, greenery) public buildings and sculptures.

A7 - Exhibition: New Building Materials and Technology
Forum: Revolution of Building Materials and Architectural Creation
Size: Exhibition: 10,000 square meters
Forum: over 2,000 participants
Subjects: By means of in-site built structures as the show case design by architects and artists for showing and exhibiting the creative use of new building materials and finishing materials. Forum topics: Architects and Building Materials, New Materials used in Beijing "Focal Point Projects", Pilot Projects as the Cooperation of Architects and Manufacturers, New Products and Manufacture Technology.

A8- Peak Forum: Architectural Culture and Professional Practice
Size: 800-1,000 participants
Subjects: (1) The philosopher, scholar of humane studies, psychologist, sociologist
and economist will be invited to make presentations on architectural culture;
(2) The architects who have experience of professional practice in China will
be invited for a talk on there works in China.
(3) The government officers of planning, design administration, construction
and marketing will be invited to give talks on the policy and regulations as
well as the qualifications for professional practice in China.

A9 - Exhibition of the Plans of Architectural Theme Park
Size: 30 community sites will be selected
Subjects: 30 community sites will be selected in Beijing as the Architectural Theme Parks. Theme park will be built in suburbs of Beijing with buildings or villas designed by invited architects and landscape architects from different parts of the world. The theme park will be with the function of museum and base for architectural education. It also serves as the club, forum and information center for world architects.

For more information please contact:
ABB2004 Secretariat
2F / Block C, China Architectural Cultural Center
11-13 Sanlihe Road, Beijing, China
Tel: +86-10-88083260/62/63
Fax: +86-10-88083328
E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]


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