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Architecture Graphics Now and Before
31 Mart - 30 Mayıs 2004, Somerniemi Church - Finland

Masterly old drawings as well as today's three-dimensional computer graphics and animations show how illusions of built structures were created before and are created now. The exhibition focuses on artistic impression at the same time as it offers a cross section of the development of Finnish architecture graphics during two centuries.

The issues dealt with include demands for pictorial representation at different times, the impact of materials and tools as well as different drawing techniques, when and why aesthetic value has been stressed and how much functionality has governed aesthetic expression.

The drawings on display have been compiled from the collections of the museum, where the earliest drawing, representing Somerniemi Church, dates back to 1812. At present the collections include material from about six hundred architects. The exhibition presents a selection of a hundred drawings.

The computer graphics of the exhibition illuminates the development of representation from the 1980s to the present day. Three-dimensional modeling makes it easier for clients, future users and other decision makers to familiarize themselves with the design. Animation is no longer a novelty, and virtual models, in which the spectator can move around the designed building, are gaining ground.

Architectural representation is always the result of the author's choices and intentions. What part in it is played by playfulness, realism or aestheticism? What is the relation of the virtual world.


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