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Registration deadline:

Submission deadline:

Yarışma Özeti(Summary):
The fast change of the global climate in the past decades and the permanent loss of fossil energy reserves show us that our enormous consumption of energy will lead to a problematic climate situation in the near future. To avoid this conflict, the most important question to answer is how to realise a sustainable energy supply fulfilling ecological criteria. This question increasingly affects objectives of modern urban planning with the built environment accounting for approximately 30% of the overall end energy use in Western Europe.

The aim of this competition is to realise innovative planning of new housing areas in Denmark, Germany and The Netherlands. Special emphasis will be put on a low overall primary energy use, the use of solar energy (active and passive), renewable energies and innovative technologies. Through the admission of participation the cooperation between investors, architects and energy planners shall be promoted. In particular, this competition should motivate the transfer of knowledge within the EU and lead to international collaborations.

The competition is supported by ALTENER II, a program of the European commission to promote the use of renewable energies.

Tip (Type):
The competition will be advertised as a 2-phase competition for architects, energy engineers and investors. The competition is anonymous.

Kimler katılabilir (Open to):
Only participants from any Member State of the European Economic Area (EEA) (EU-Member States + Iceland + Norway) are allowed to enter the competition.

Katılım ücreti (Entry Fee):

Ödüller (Awards):
See Below

Juri (Jury):
See Below

İletişim Bilgileri (Contact): see website


General Conditions

The aim of this competition is to realise innovative planning of new housing areas in Denmark, Germany and The Netherlands. Special emphasis will be put on a low overall primary energy use, the use of solar energy (active and passive), renewable energies and innovative technologies.

Awarding Authority

The invitation to tender is given by the InSolPlan project team represented by Ecofys GmbH. The total project team is listed under partners.

Object of Competition

The object of the competition is the innovative planning of new housing areas in Denmark, Germany and The Netherlands. The competition will take place in Herten (Germany), Lelystad (The Netherlands) and Roskilde (Denmark).

Nature of Competition

The competition will be advertised as a 2-phase competition for architects, energy engineers and investors. The competition is anonymous.
Aim of the first phase is to get interested competitors and a great variety of ideas from the contributions of the participants for the 2nd phase.
Each participant may submit one proposal for either one or several locations. Out of these contributions the jury selects max. 7 proposals per location to participate in the 2nd phase. Aim of the 2nd phase is a detailed elaboration of the elected proposals.

Admission of participation

Only participants from any Member State of the European Economic Area (EEA) (EU-Member States + Iceland + Norway) are allowed to enter the competition.

Terms and Conditions

The competition is open to planning teams consisting of at least one of each the following groups: architects, energy engineers and not later than the 2nd phase, investors. Additional advisors e.g. urban planners etc. may also join the planning team.

The Jury

The Jury consists of the following members:

Full technical/architectural expert jury members
1. Mrs. Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Ursula Ringleben, Germany
2. Mr. Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Wolfgang Wiesner, Germany
3. Mrs. Prof. Anne Grete Hestnes, Norway
4. Mr. Prof. Duijvestein, The Netherlands
5. N.N. energy expert, The Netherlands
6. N.N. architect, Denmark
7. N.N. energy expert, Denmark

Full organisational expert jury panel
1. Mrs. Jette Kristensen, municipality of Roskilde
2. Mr. Jan Bille, municipality of Roskilde
3. Mr. Volker Lindner, City of Herten
4. Mr. Dietmar Vergin, City of Herten
5. N.N., City of Lelystad
6. N.N. City of Lelystad

Substitute technical/architecture expert jury members
1. Mr. Dr. Dagmar Everding, Germany
2. Mr. Burkhard Schulze-Darup, Germany
3. N.N., The Netherlands
4. N.N., Denmark

Substitute organisational jury panel
1. Mr. Peter Krarup, municipality of Roskilde
2. Mr. Günter Neuhaus, City of Herten
3. Mr. Josef Haug, City of Herten
4. N.N., City of Lelystad

Assessment Criteria

The proposals will judged with the following criteria:

urban and architectural planning
- quality of the urban planning and architectural design
- suitability of the urban planning concept with respect to solar energy use
- primary energy use, CO2-balance
- level of innovation
- sustainability
- fulfilment of the remaining criteria of the task

technical feasibility
- operation concept
- feasibility and operational safety of the concept
- flexibility of the energy system

economic feasibility
- investment costs
- operating costs

Time Schedule

August 1, 2001

Competition Program documents available. Download possible

Entry Fee: None

August 31, 2001

closing date for further information. Further information can be obtained on the website The answers will be published on the competition website.

September 14, 2001, 24:00

possibility to download the competition documents expires

October 1, 2001, 17:00

Deadline for submission (phase 1)

October 25-26, 2001

Judgement days (phase 1)

November 1, 2001

beginning of second phase

February 1, 2002, 17:00

Deadline for submission (phase 2)

February 28, 2002 – March 1, 2002

Judgement days (phase 2)

Number and value of the prizes for the second phase:

Herten (Germany)
1st prize: 12,500 Euro
2ndprize:   7,500 Euro
3rd prize:   5,000 Euro

Lelystad (The Netherlands)
1st prize: 12,500 Euro

2ndprize:   7,500 Euro
3rd prize:   5,000 Euro

Roskilde (Denmark)
1st prize:  16.000,- Euro
2nd prize:  10.500,- Euro
3rd prize:    8.500,- Euro

Further processing

Under recognition of the recommendations of the jury, one of the awarded parties will be given the opportunity to realise the contributions at the respective site as soon as the legal aspects of the property are solved with all parties involved. For this, it would be desirable if the investor commissions the architect and the energy planner to contribute to the realisation at least up to the specifications planning.


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