
European Prize for Public Space

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Registration deadline:

Submission deadline:

Yarışma Özeti(Summary):

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Kimler katılabilir (Open to):

Katılım ücreti (Entry Fee):

Ödüller (Awards):

Juri (Jury):

İletişim Bilgileri (Contact)

Urban design schemes that have played a demonstrable role in the
improvement of public spaces in European cities are eligible for inclusion
in the second biennial European Prize for Public Space.

Entirely new schemes, as well as redevelopments of existing public spaces,
can be put forward. There are no restrictions to the scale or type of urban
intervention, although projects must have been completed between 2000 and
2001 - schemes that are in the initial phases of developments will also be
considered. The judging panel has the final say on what constitutes a city.

The prize will be awarded jointly to the government or local body that
commissioned the project and its architects or designers. The inaugural
prize was awarded jointly to the Smithfield Public Space of Dublin for work
by McGarry NíÉanaigh Architects, and S-Centre Mulitfuncional of Barcelona
for work by the Serra-Vives-Cartagena practice.

The European Prize for Public Space was conceived in 1999 by the Centre de
Cultura Comtemporania de Barcelona and the Institut Francais de
l'Architecture as a biennial prize for projects that demonstrate, "a
significant improvement to open public spaces". Since the inaugural
competition the partnership has expanded to include the Architecture
Foundation, Architektur Zentrum Wien and the Netherlands Architecture

Entries should be submitted to the Centre de Cultura Comtemporania de
Barcelona between 1 February and 31 March 2002. The winner will be
announced in June.

Centre de Cultura Comtemporania de Barcelona
508001 Barcelona
Tel: +34 93 306 41 00
Fax: +34 93 306 41 01
E-mail: [email protected]


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Copyright © 2000-2002 Arkitera Bilgi Hizmetleri [email protected]

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