
> Süha Özkan

Tarih: 21 Mayıs 2002
Yer: Arkitera Forum


 ÖZKAN, S., Üsküdar, Urban Renewal and Redevelopment of the Center."
Ankara: METU., Faculty of Architecture, 1969.

ÖZKAN, S., "A General Conceptual Framework for Methodology of Design."
London: Architectural Association School of Architecture, 1971.

ÖZKAN, S., "A Categoric Structure for Theory of Architecture."
Ankara: Middle East Technical University, 1980.


ÖZKAN, S., MUTAF, G., "Temel Tasarim Denemesi I."
Ankara: ODTÜ Mimarlik Fakültesi, 1973.

ÖZKAN, S., MUTAF, g., "Temel Tasarim Denemesi II."
Ankara: ODTÜ Mimarlik Fakültesi, 1974.
(Presentation of the method and the outcome of the Basic Design Course
conducted in 1973-1974 academic year.)

CANBULAT, I., et al., O.D.T.Ü. Mimarlik Bilimleri Önerisi,
Ankara: Aynak Yayinevi, 1976
(Proposal for a Department of Architectural Sciences for Middle East
Technical University.)

ÖZKAN, S., TURAN, M., Toplum Yapisi Egitim Iliskileri,
Mimarlik Egitiminde Gelismeler,
TMMOB Mimarlar Odasi, Mimarlik Egitimi Semineri,
Trabzon, 1976.
(Relations Between the Social Structure and Education,
Developments in Architectural Education)

ÖZKAN, S., TURAN, M., Toplum Yapisi Egitim Iliskileri,
Mimarlik Egitiminde Gelismeler,
Mimarlik, c. 14, n. 148, s.63-70.
Mart 1976 (ditto)

NISANCIOGLU, M., ÖZKAN, S., TURAN, M., Mimarlik Egitiminde Çagdaslasma,
Demokratiklesme ve Bilimsellesme Kosutunda Olacaktir,
UIA 2. Bölge, Mimarin Egitimi Komisyonu Toplantisi,
Istanbul, 12-15 Ekim, 1977.

NISANCIOGLU, M., ÖZKAN, S., TURAN, M., Mimarlik Egitiminde Çagdaslasma
Demokratiklesme ve Bilimsellesme Kosutunda Olacaktir,
Mimarlik, c.16, n.155, s.26-28, 1978.

NISANCIOGLU, M., ÖZKAN, S., TURAN, M., Modernisation in Architectural Education
has to Proceed Parallel with Democracy and Science,
UIA 2nd Region Conference on the Formation of the Architect,
Istanbul, October 12-15, 1977.

ÖZKAN, S., YOLAL, E., ODTÜ Mimarlik Fakültesini 1960-1976
Arasinda Bitirenlerin Çalisma Alanlari,
Ankara: ODTÜ Mimarlik Fakültasi Ara-Yayin Dizisi, n.5, 1979.
(Statistical documentation of METU graduates in reference to their fields of work.)

ÖZKAN, S., PAMIR, H., Bir Kentsel Canlandirma Çalismasi,
Mimarlik, c.17, n.160, s.30-31. 1979.
(On design studio of the diploma year 1978-79 worked on urban regeneration in Ankara.)

ÖZKAN, S., An Overview of Architecture Education in the Islamic World,
AKAA Seminar on Architecture Education,
Granada, Spain, April 1986.

ÖZKAN, S., "An Overview of Architecture Education in Islamic countries",
in: Architecture Education in the Islamic World, A. Evin, ed.
Singapore: Concept Media, 1986, pp: 104-111


ÖZKAN, S., Lecture Abstracts, Seminar Proceedings and Bibliography of the
Methodology of Design Course.
Ankara: METU Department of Architecture,
Course Outline Series, n.1.1972

ÖZKAN, S., Design Methods in Retrospects: A commentary Bibliography,
METU Faculty of Architecture Bulletin,
v.1, n.2, pp.154-168. February 1972.

ÖZKAN, S., Paolo Soleri, Görüntüsel Kentler Üzerine Düsünceler,
c.9, n.108, s.50-52,Ekim 1972.
(Some thoughts on Paolo Soleri and his visionary architecture.)

ÖZKAN, S., Tasarim Yöntemleri ve Egitimi,
Mimarlikta Ikinci Kademe Egitimi ve Mimarlik Bilimleri Semineri,
Trabzon: Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi,
14-17 Haziran, 1976.

ÖZKAN, S., Tasarim Yöntemleri ve Egitimi,
Mimarlik Bülteni,
n.2, s.43-47,
Ocak, 1977.
(Design Methods and Their Education, paper submitted to: Conference on
Graduate Education and Architectural Sciences.)

ÖZKAN, S., Mimarlikta Kuramsal Çalismalarin Evrimi.
Mimarlikta Ikinci Kademe Egitimi: Kuram, Arastirma,
Uygulama Semineri, Bildiriler.
Ankara, 21-23 Mart, 1977.

ÖZKAN, S., Mimarlıkta Kuramsal Çalışmaların Evrimi.
Mimarlık Bilimi Kavram ve Sorunlari,
M. Pultar, (Derleyen), s.38-45,
Ankara: Çevre ve Mimarlyk Bilimleri Derneği,1978.
(Evolution of Theory Studies in Architecture.)

ÖZKAN, S., Utopia, Kestirim yada Status quo'ya Tepki Aracı Olarak
Kavramsal Mimarlik,
2000 Yilina Do?ru Sanatlar Sempozyumu,
Istanbul: Devlet Güzel Sanatlar Akademisi,
24-28 Ekim, 1977.
(Conceptual Architecture as Utopia, Prediction or a Way of
Reaction to the Status quo.)

ÖZKAN, S., The Concept of Multidimensional Space and its Application
to Design Process through an Irreversibe Model.
Architectural Design. Interrelations Among Theory,
Research and Practice, Conference. pp.3.7-3.15,
Istanbul: Istanbul Technical University, May 15-17, 1978.

ÖZKAN, S., "Regionalism within Modernism", in: Regionalism in Architecture,
Exploring Architecture in Islamic Cultures,
R. Powell, ed.
Singapore: Concept Media, 1986, pp.8-16.

ÖZKAN, S., (ditto)
Space for Freedom,
London: Butterworths, 1989.

ÖZKAN, S., "Régionalisme et Mouvement moderne -A la recherche d'une architecture contemporraine en harmonie avec la culture",
Architecture et Comportement / Architecture and Behaviour,
vol.8, no.4, 1992, pp.353-365.

ÖZKAN; S., "Moderns and Anti-moderns",
Kuala Lumpur: ISTAC, 1994.

ÖZKAN, S., "Moderns and Anti-moderns, A critical Look into the Architectural
Developments of the Recent Past," in:
Islam and the Challenge of Modernity,
S. S. Al-Attas, ed. Kuala Lumpur: ISTAC, 1996, pp.211-231.

ÖZKAN, S., "Introduction"
Shelter the Access to Hope, W. O'Reilly, ed.
Geneva: The Aga Khan Award for Architecture, 1997, pp7f.

ÖZKAN, S., "Foreword"
Arcitecture and Indentity, by. Chris Abel
London: Architectural Press, 1996, pp. iv-x.

ÖZKAN, S., "Middle East" in Sir Banister Feltcher's A History of Arcitecture,
D. Cruickshank, ed.
London: Architectural Press, 1996, pp. 1445-1457.

ÖZKAN, S., "Architecture to Change the World" in: Architecture of Empowerment,
People Shelter and Liveable Cities, I. Serageldin ed.
London: Academy Editions, 1997, pp. 41-46.

ÖZKAN, S., "Şaşırtıcı Archigram Üzerine Kişisel Tarih,"
Arredamento-Dekorasyon, January 1998, pp.72-74

ÖZKAN, S., "The Dilemma of History: Theory and Education in Architetcure,"
In: Architetcural Konowledge and Cultural Diversity, W.O.Reilly, ed.
Lausanne: Comportments, 1999. pp. 145 -155

ÖZKAN, S., " Comment", Buenos Aires Bienal, in: New Architetcure, 5,
Truth and Radicality, Beyond Contemporay Architecture, London: A Papadakis, July 2000. p.132

ÖZKAN, S., "Yapı ve Bağlam, XXI, no.2, May-June 2000. pp. 118- 126.
(On Contexual architecture)


ÖZKAN, S., Mimarlikta Devingenlik ve Alaçikler,
c.11, n.127, s.21-29, Mayis, 1974.
(A study of almost extinct yurt type tents of Turkish tribes. Three surviving
colonies and their shelters explored.)

ÖNUR, S., Kalin Duvar Örüntüsü ve Kapadokya'da Mimarlik,
c.11, n.127, s.10-15,
Mayis, 1974.

ÖNUR, S., ÖZKAN, S., Another Thick-Wall Pattern: Cappadocia,
Shelter, Sign and Symbol,
P. Oliver, (Editor), pp.95-106.
London: Barrie and Jenkins, 1975.

MEDIOLI, A., ÖZKAN, S., PLUNZ, R., The Grain Cycle and Windmill at a Village
on the Aegean,
METU Journal of Faculty of Architecture,
v.3, n.1, pp. 39-62, Spring 1977.

ÖZKAN, S., Turkish Yurts,
Shelter II,
L. Kahn, (Editor), pp.30-34,
Bolinas, CA: Shelter Pub. Inc. 1978.

PLUNZ, R., ÖZKAN, S., (Editors)
Houses on the Aegean, Fifteen Families in Akçaalan,

ÖZKAN, S., TURAN, M., ÜSTÜNKÖK, O., Institutionalised Architecture,
Vernacular Architecture and Vernacularism in Historical Perspective,
METU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture,
v.5, n.2, pp.127-156, Fall, 1979.


ÖZKAN, S., Deprem Konutlarinda Degisik bir Seçenek: Köpük Kubbeler.
v.9, n.101, s.25-27,
Mart, 1972.

ÖZKAN, S., Roam Home to a Dome,
Architectural Design,
v.x1ii, n.2, pp.279-280, .

ÖZKAN, S., An Experiment with Semi-Permanent Disaster Shelters and a Proposal,
Proceedings, International Conference on Disaster Area Housing, pp.5.53-5.79,
Istanbul, 1977.

ÖZKAN, S., Foam Domes
Shelter II,
L. Kahn, (Editor), pp.240-241,
Bolinas CA: Shelter Pub. Inc., 1978.

ÖZKAN, S., Turkey: Foam Domes,
n.8, pp.59-63, 1983.

ÖZKAN, S., An Experiment with Semi-permanent Disaster Shelters.
Papers Presented at the Seminar on: Socio-Architectural Aspects of Housing
in Earthquake-Prone Areas of Turkey,
Ankara: The Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey,
Building Research Institute,
pp.126-141, 1984.


ÖZKAN, S., "The Architecture of Mass Housing", In:
Architecture of Housing, ed: R. Powell,
Geneva: The Aga Khan Award for Architecture, 1990 pp.120-135,

ÖZKAN, S., "Architecture of Mass Housing, The Influence of Cooperatives and the Public
and Private Sectors on Housing in Islamic Countries".
Archi Times, August 1991, pp.11-14.

ÖZKAN, S., "Architecture of Mass Mousing, The Influence of Cooperatives and the Public
and Private Sectors on Housing in Islamic Countries,
Architecture + Design,
September-October, 1989, pp.97-101.


ÖZKAN, S., Mimar Vedat Tek 1873-1942.
c.10, n.121-122, s.45-51,
Kasim-Aralik, 1973.
(A study of the life, projects, buildings and teaching of the eminent
architect of Turkish Early Republican Period.)

ÖZKAN, S., "Reddedilmis Bir Mimar: Vedad Tek",
Çagdas Sehir,
Istanbul: Iletisim Yayinlari, Eylül 1987, pp.24-29.
(On the life and architecture of Mehmet Vedad Tek 1873-1942)

ÖZKANi S., "Vedak Tek Üzerine," Arredamento-Mimarlık, December 1999,
(On the life and architecture of Mehmet Vedad Tek 1873-1942)

ÖZKAN, S., "Bektaş, A Fight to Erase a Chalk Line,"
n.13, pp.50-51, 1984.

ÖZKAN, S., "Echoes of Sedad Eldem" in: Sedad Eldem,
Architect in Turkey, by: S. Bozdogan, S. Özkan, E. Yenal.
Singapore: Concept Media, pp: 13-22. 1987

ÖZKAN, S., "Seyfi Arkan, Bir Devlet Mimari",
March, 1992, pp.85-87.
('A State Architect' on the the contribution of Seyfi Arkan, a pioneer
modernist in Turkish architecture.)

ÖZKAN, S., "Doruk Pamir, Kent Ölçegi Üzerine"
November 1992, pp.87-90.
(Doruk Pamir and Urban Scale, on architecture and urban design of D.

ÖZKAN, S., "Kuban'lar"

ÖZKAN, S., "Mimarlikta Alçakgönüllülük ve Geoffrey Bawa",
June 1992, pp.82-85.
('Modesty in Architecture' on architecture of Geoffrey Bawa)

ÖZKAN, S., " Mimar ve Dost",
Arredamento Dekorasyon,
1994 / 4, pp. 91-93,
(In Memoriam Charles Moore)

ÖZKAN, S., "Tekeli-Sisa ve Mimarlığa Adanmış Kırk Yıl", Projeler Yapılar Doğan Tekeli -
Sami Sisa, Istanbul: YEM Yayın, 1994, pp.9-17.
(On forty years of of the work of Tekeli-Sisa, Architects)

ÖZKAN, S., "Mimarlığa adanmış kırk yıl"
1994 / 6, pp. 72-74.
(Abridged version of 11a above.)

ÖZKAN, S., "Mimarlığa adanmış kırk yıl" in: Doğan Tekeli - Sami Sisa,
Istanbul: Boyut Yayınları, 2001. pp. 77-89.
(Abridged version of 11a above.)

ÖZKAN, S., "Bernard Tschumi"
1994 / 12

ÖZKAN, S., " 'Toplum ve Mimarlık'ın Babası Giancarlo de Carlo 79 Yaşında,"
Arredamento Mimarlık, 1998 / 4 , pp.48-50

ÖZKAN, S., "Tutkun ve Sebatkar bir Modernist: Alvaro Siza,"
Arredamento Mimarlık, 1998 / 3 , pp.55-58.

ÖZKAN, S., "Tutkun ve Sebatkar bir Modernist: Alvaro Siza,"
Alvaro Siza, Istanbul: Boyut, 2001, pp.9-14.
(Alvaro Siza: A Dedicated Modernist with Perseverence)

ÖZKAN, S., "Balkrishna Doshi: Ustaların İzinde Özgün bir Mimarlık,"
Arredamento Mimarlık, 1998 / 6 , pp.45-47.
(Balkrishna Doshi, An original archiect following the masters)

ÖZKAN, S., (Arata Isozaki ile Söyleşi)
Arredamento Mimarlık, 1998 / 7 , pp.50-59.
(Interview with Arata Isozaki))

ÖZKAN, S., "Shigeru Ban'ın Kağıt Yapıları,"
Arredamento Mimarlık, 1999 / 3.
(Paper Architecture of Shigeru Ban)

ÖZKAN., S., "Arif Hasan, A Caring Architect," in: 2000 Prince Claus Awards,
Den Haag: C Fonds, 2000, pp. 63 -64.

ÖZKAN, S., "Charles Correa, Çağdaş ve Yerel, İklimin ve Simgeselliğin Mimarı,"
Arredamento Mimarlık, March 2000, pp. 43-45.
(Charles Correa, Modern and Regional, An Architect of Climate and Symbolism)

ÖZKAN, S., "Derin bir Geleneğin Kuamcısı, C. N. Schulz Öldü," XXI, no 4.Eylül-Ekim 2000, p.87
(In memoriam C. N. Shulz)


ÖZKAN, S., TEK, A.N.V., Mimar M. Vedad Bey Konağı,
METU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture,
v.5, n.2, pp.157-183, Fall, 1979.
(A survey of the Architect's own residence with original documents).

ÖZKAN, S., Mimar Vedad (Tek)'in üç Özgün Suluboya Çizimi,
n.6, s.69-70, 1979.
(On three original water-colour drawings of Mimar Vedad Tek.).

YAVUZ, Y., ÖZKAN, S., The Final Years of the Ottoman Empire,
Modern Turkish Architecture,
R. Holod, A. Evin (Editors), pp.34-50.
Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1984.

YAVUZ, Y., ÖZKAN, S., Finding a National Idiom: The First National Style,
Modern Turkish Architecture,
R. Holod, A. Evin (Editors), pp.51-67.
Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1984.

ÖZKAN, S., Mimarlığımızın Altmış Yılı Üzerine,
n.1/4, s.5-10,
Haziran, 1982. 
(On Sixty years of Turkish Architecture.)

YAVUZ, Y., ÖZKAN, S., "Osmanlı Mimarlığının Son Yılları",
Tanzimat'tan Cumhuriyet'e Türkiye Ansiklopedisi,
Fasikül: 34, ss.1078-1085,
Istanbul: İletişim Yayınları, 1986.

ÖZKAN, S., "Fifty Year of Modern Turkish Architecture: A Search for Identity",
v.10, 1993, pp.54-60.

ÖZKAN, S., "La ricerca di un'identità nell architettura turca moderna degli ultimi
cinquant anni",
Zodiac, v.10, 1993 pp.54-60.

ÖZKAN, S., "A Yearbook on the Treshold of a New Millenium", Architecture in Turkey 2000
M. Kazmaoğlu, ed. Istanbul: Koleksiyon, 2000, pp.12-15

ÖZKAN, S., "Yeni bir Binyıl Eşiğinde Mimarlık," Türkiye'de Mimarlık, M. Kazmaoğlu, ed.
Istanbul: Koleksiyon, 2000, pp.12-15

H9 ÖZKAN, S., " 'Yeni' Üzerine," XXI, Mart-Nisan 2000, pp.113f.
(Coment on the 'New Turkish Architects' Competition and Exhibition)


ÖZKAN, S., BERKE, Ü., KAYASÜ, T., "Statistical Determination of Spatial Relationships on
the Criteria of Time-Distance and Frequency of Use, Taking the General Layout of
METU Campus as a Sample."
Ankara: METU, Department of Architecture (Mimeo.) 1971.

ÖZKAN, S., Yaz Uygulamalari,
Ankara: ODTÜ Mimarlik Fakültesi, Ögrenci Yayini, n.2.,

ÖZKAN, S., (Editör) 2007 Yilinda Bursa'da Bir Köy,
Istanbul, The Aga Khan Award for Architecture,
(Results of the competition among Turkish students of architecture on a
small village near Bursa as conceived in the year 2007.)

BOZDOGAN, S., ÖZKAN, S. and YENAL, E. eds.
Sedad Eldem, Architect in Turkey,
Singapore: Concept Media, pp: 13-22.

ÖZKAN, S., (Ed.) Faith and the Built Environment,
Lausanne: Ecole Polytechnique Federale, 1996


ÖZKAN, S., "Quality in the Built Environment and the Third World Reality",
Architecture for a Changing World, ed. J.Steele,
London: Academy Editions, 1992, pp.8-13.

ÖZKAN, S., "A Pluralist Alternative",
Architecture for a Changing World, ed.J.Steele,
London: Academy Editions, 1992, pp.36-39

ÖZKAN, S., "Complexity, Co-existance and Plurality",
Architecture for Islamic Societies Today,
London: Academy Editions, 1994, pp.23-27.

ÖZKAN, S., "A Pluralist Alternative",
Architecture for a Changing World, ed.J.Steele,
London: Academy Editions, 1992, pp.36-39

ÖZKAN, S., "The Aga Khan Award for Architecture" in: Building for Tomorrow,
A.Nanji, ed. London: Academy Editions, 1994, pp. 92f.

ÖZKAN, S., "The Architecture of Architecture," in:
Architecture beyond Architecture, C. Davidson, ed.
London: Academy Editions, 1995, pp. 164-169.

ÖZKAN, S., "Ağa Han Ödülleri'nin Katkısıyla, Islam Toplumlarında Bugün
Yeni bir Mimari Dil Oluşmaya Başladı,"Introduction"
Mimarlık, 1995, no. 266, pp. 22-27.

ÖZKAN, S., "Legacies of the Future" in: Legacies for the Future,
C. Davidson, ed. London: Thames and Hudson, 1998, pp. 158-167.

ÖZKAN, S., "Les 20 ans du Prix Aga Khan,"
Connaissance des arts, no. 554, Octobre 1998, pp.80-87.

ÖZKAN, "Tha Aga Khan Award for Architecture" in: "International Conference on the
Revitalisation of Historic Ciries," 20-22 May 1999, S. PoteetJoannidou, ed.
Nicosia: UNOPS, 1999. pp.16-19.

ÖZKAN, S., "Aga Khan Ödülleri, XXI, no. 5. Kasım- Aralık 2000, pp.118-123.


ÖZKAN, S., Recycling Building Components,
Architectural Design,
v. x1ii, n.11, p.672. 1972

ÖZKAN, S., Yapi Ögelerinin Yeniden Kullanimi,
c.10, n.115, s.18-19, Mayis, 1973.

ÖZKAN, S., Çagdas, Çagdisi, Çagötesi.
c.9, n.103, s.21-24, 1972.
(Travel notes on A. Gaudi's architecture in Barcelona.)

ÖZKAN, S., Türk-Alman Dostluk Yurdu Öneri Yarismasi,
METU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture,
v.5, n.2, pp.157-183,
Fall, 1979.
(On 'House of Friendship' Competition organised by Deutsche Werkbund
in 1916, for Istanbul.)

ÖZKAN, S., Kisisel Konut Kredisi Üzerine,
yil.27, s.9540, s.2. 3 Mart, 1979.
(Comments on a housing bye-law concerning the finance of individual

ÖZKAN, S., Ankara Özel Otobüs Yolu Üzerine,
yil.27, s.9509, s.2, 31 Ocak, 1979.
(Criticism on the special bus-route in Ankara.)

ÖZKAN S., Bati Afrika'da "Yeni" Mimari,
n. 2/17, s.30-33, Kasim 1983
("New" Architecture in West Africa, travel notes from a trip to Senegal,
Mauritania and Mali)

ÖZKAN, S., "A Conclusion, Continuity and Quality in Environment,
Arab City Workshop, A. Gülgönen, ed. pp.31-32
Paris: UIA 1986

ÖZKAN, S., "Opening Remarks and Closing Remarks",
Architecture and Identity, R. Powell, ed. pp:6-7, 99.
Singapore: Concept Media, 1983

ÖZKAN., S., "Conclusion Remarks"
Mostar 2004 Workshop, Istanbul: IRCICA, 1997, pp.65f.

ÖZKAN, S., "Introduction" and "Comments" (Housing for Limited Income Groups),
Large Scale Housing Projects, Design, Technology and Logistics,
pp. 26, 73, 74, 90.1985.

ÖZKAN, S., "The Destruction of Stari Most",
Development Network, no. 14, Spring 1994, pp.5-7.

ÖZKAN, S., "Faith , Culture and Architecture", Architecture and Behaviour,
vol. 11, n.3-4, pp. 5-10, 1995.

ÖZKAN, S., "Foi, culture et environment", Comportment et Architecture,
vol.11, n3-4, pp.11-16, 1995

ÖZKAN,S., "Savaş ve Mimarlık" Mimarlık, s.263, 1995, ss.24-26.

ÖZKAN, S., "Anytime in Anatolia," in Anytime, C. Davidson, ed.
Cambridge, Mass.: The MIT Press, 1999, pp. 12-17.

ÖZKAN, S., "Anadolu'da Zaman," in Anytime, C. Davidson and Z. Aktüre, eds.
(Ö. Deniz, tr.), Ankara: Mimarlar Derneği , 1999. pp. 14-19.

ÖZKAN, S., "Toprak ve Yapı," AD, Art / Decor, March 2000, pp.102-105
( On Earth Construction)

ÖZKAN, S., "Tourists Seek Cultural Values- Tursist Kültürel Değer Arar,"
Domus M, ed. M. Gursel-Tabanlıoğlu, June 2000, pp.76f.

ÖZKAN, S., "Ben Metropolisleri Severim,"
Orange, Haziran 2000, pp.54-58.

TAKHAR, j., OZKAN, S., SAFDIE, M., "What we have learnet," in:
Celebrating Chandigarh, Chandigarh: Chandigarh Perspectives,
2001, pp.210-231.

ÖZKAN, S., "Önderlik ve Mimarlık," XXI, no. 4. Eylül- Ekim 2000, p.18
(On political leadership and architecture.)

ÖZKAN, S., "Küresel Köy'de Gourmetye de Fast Fooda da Yer Var,"
Arredamento-Mimarlık, no:10, 2000, pp.77f.
(On globalisation and architecture.)


ÖZKAN, S., Changing Cultures,
Architectural Association Quarterly,
v.3, n.3, pp.60-61, Autumn, 1971.

ÖZKAN, S., Türkiye'de Yirmi Yillik Mimarlik Deneyimi,
v.13, n.143, s.59-62, Ekim 1975.
(Review of the book and the work of D. Tekeli and S. Sisa:
"Twenty years of Architectural Experience.)

ÖZKAN, S., Köyde Mimari, Dogu Karadeniz Üzerine,
v.9, n.107, s.83-86. Eylül, 1972.
(A review of the book by O. Ozgüner: Eastern Black Sea, Village

ÖZKAN, S., Herhangi de?il, Çok Özel bir Zaman, Baskent'te Üç Gün,
Yapi, no.201, August 1998. pp. 87-89
(A review of ANYtime conference in Ankara: Not "any" but very
special time. Three days in the Capital city)


ÖZKAN, S., Akademik Uğraşıların Kabuğuna Çekilmişliğini Kırmak Gerekli,
Mimarlık Haberler,
n.29, s.8.
9 Mart, 1977
(An interview with an architect in teaching position at a university)

ÖZKAN, S., ODTÜ'nün Dünü ve Bügünü,
c.1, n.1, s.10-13, 32,
(Interview with METU Vice-President S. Özkan by T. Eryilmaz and S. Söylemez.)

ÖZKAN, S., ÖZER, B., ORAL, Z., Aga Han Mimarlik Ödülleri,
11 Eylül, 1983,
(Interview by Z. Oral with S. Özkan and B. Özer on 1983 Aga Khan
Awards for Architecture.)

ÖZKAN, S.,"Tarihi Kentlerin Korunması ve Değişimi Üzerine Tartışma"
n.10, October, 1991. pp.55-88.
(Panel discussion on Transfomation and Regeneration of Historic Cities)

MADRA; Ö., "S. Özkan, 'Her Neslin, Cağının Özgün Ürünlerini Vermesi Ahlaki bir Sorumluluk,"
November 1991, pp.50-59
(Ömer Madra interviews)

ÖZKAN, S., "Yapılacak çok sey var..."
15 Mart, 1992
(Interview on problems of Istanbul: "There are lots to do..."

"New Space for Islam",
Ideas, CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation)
9, 16, 23 March, 1993 (ID 9281)
Toronto, 1993
(Radio interview with Don Mowatt on architecture and built environment and the mission of the Aga Khan Award for Architecture)

Mimarca, TRT 2, TRT Istanbul TV, February-March 1994,
("Architecturally" Interviews on contemporary Turkish architecture and
contribution of six distinguished contemporary architects,
by Turkish Radio and Television Corporation, Istanbul)

The Aga Khan Award for Architecture, An Incentive for Development of Architecture in Muslim
Countries, Interview wit Vadim Belichenko, (July 24-28 2000) Architectura, Moscow, (Russian) no.3 (19), 2000.

REVIEWS ( of his Work)

ANTONIOU, J., "Faith in Details", Architectural Review, London, no. 10, 1997

KAUSAR, B. A., "Faith and the Built Environment", Architimes, Karachi, 1997.

ANON, "Faith and the Built Environment, Alam al Bena, Cairo, 1997

REGULAR CONTRIBUTIONS to XXI Journal of Architectural Culture

ÖZKAN, S., "Duyduklarım," XXI, Mart- Nisan, 2000, pp.30f.

ÖZKAN., "Duyduklarım," XXI, Mayıs Haziran 2000, pp.46-47
(Paris Musee de l'homme Competiion)

ÖZKAN., "Yaşadıklarım," XXI, Temmuz- Ağustos, 2000, pp.38-41
(American University Cairo New Campus Competition)

ÖZKAN., "Yaşadıklarım, Gerçekleşmiş bir Utopya" XXI, Eylül-Ekim, 2000, pp.32-35.
(An Utopia Realised: Auroville, India)

ÖZKAN., "Yaşadıklarım, Venedik Şenliği" XXI, Kasım-Aralık, 2000, pp.32-35.
(Austrian contribution to Binnale de Venezia)

ÖZKAN., "Yaşadıklarım, Üçüncü Dünya Hollanda Kraliyet Sarayında" XXI, Ocak-Şubat, 2001, pp.34-37.
(Prince Claus Awards)

ÖZKAN., "Yaşadıklarım, Rolex Ödüllerii" XXI, Mart-Nisan, 2001, pp. 28-33.
(Rolex Awards)

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