

TECU Architecture Award

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Registration deadline:

Submission deadline:


Yarışma Özeti(Summary):
This year’s TECU® Architecture Award 2002 will distinguish architecturally outstanding buildings that make use of TECU® building materials and were completed in Europe since the last award in the year 2000. Non-completed student works will also be taken into consideration in a separate prize category. The highly successful contest, which was first held by KME in 2000, will be repeated bi-annually.

Reflecting the European character of the contest, this year’s Jury comprises Francine Houben (NL), Jean Michel Wilmotte (F), Alberto Cecchetto (I), Dolf Schnebli (CH) und Otfried Weis (D). Mr. Peter Davey, Editor-in-chief of Architectural Review, London, will act as moderator for the contest.

Contestants can submit their works for adjudication in one of the categories Completed Buildings (with a special prize for accommodation buildings) or Project Prize for Students. Application forms are available now on request; the final deadline for submissions is 31 October 2002.

Tip (Type)

Kimler katılabilir (Open to):

Katılım ücreti (Entry Fee):

Ödüller (Awards):

Juri (Jury):

İletişim Bilgileri (Contact)

This year’s TECU® Architecture Award 2002 will distinguish architecturally outstanding buildings that make use of TECU® building materials and were completed in Europe since the last award in the year 2000. Non-completed student works will also be taken into consideration in a separate prize category. The highly successful contest, which was first held by KME in 2000, will be repeated bi-annually.

Reflecting the European character of the contest, this year’s Jury comprises Francine Houben (NL), Jean Michel Wilmotte (F), Alberto Cecchetto (I), Dolf Schnebli (CH) und Otfried Weis (D). Mr. Peter Davey, Editor-in-chief of Architectural Review, London, will act as moderator for the contest.

Contestants can submit their works for adjudication in one of the categories Completed Buildings (with a special prize for accommodation buildings) or Project Prize for Students. Application forms are available now on request; the final deadline for submissions is 31 October 2002.

All relevant information is available at

Hülya & Ferhan Yürekli
15 Ekim 2002
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