
Yürüttüğü Tezler
Diyalog 2003
> Sibel Bozdoğan

Tarih: 20 Mayıs 2003
Yer: Arkitera Forum

Danışmanlığını yaptığı tezler:
Panaiyota Pyla, Ekistics, Architecture and Environmental Politics, 1945-1976: A prehistory of Sustainable Development, graduated in June 2002, currently at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Alona Nitzan-Shiftan, Architecture and Reformation of National Identity: the Transformation of Jerusalem after the Six Days War, graduated in August 2002, currently at CASVA

Yehchin Hsu, The Urban Experience in Shanghai in the 1920s and 1930s: Transformation of a Modern Chinese City, proposal approved in spring 1995

Tez jürisi üyelikleri:
Shirine Hamadeh, The City's Pleasures: Architectural Sensibility in Eighteenth Century İstanbul, graduated in October 1998, recipient of MESA Malcolm Kerr Dissertation Award in Humanities

Adnan Morshed, Rethinking the Aerial View: the Discourse of the Airplane in Modernist Architectural Culture, proposal approved in summer 1998

Valeria Koukoutsi, Between Meaning and Materiality: Reflective Architectural Practices of the 1960s and the Modernist Architectural Project, graduated in spring 2001

Ritu Bhatt, On the Epistemological Significance of Aesthetic and Moral Values in Architectural Theory, graduated in January 2000, currently Woodrow Wilson Post-Doctoral Fellow, University of California, Berkeley

Maha Yahya, Unnamed Modernisms: Oriental Filiation and Mediterranean Affiliation in Beirut's Urban Architecture 1888-1943, proposal approved in fall 1996

Annie Pedret, Team 10: Reviving Modernist Ethics in Postwar Architecture, graduated in September 2000, currently at IIT, Chicago

Brian McLaren, Mediterraneita and Modernita: Architecture and Culture during the Period of Italian Colonization of North Africa, graduated in September 2000, currently at the University of Washington, Seattle

Diğer jüri üyelikleri:
Ahmed Ersoy (Harvard University, Fine Arts), On the Sources of the Ottoman Renaissance: Architectural Revivalism and Its Discourse in the Abdulaziz Era 1861-1876, graduated in May 2000, currently at Bogazici University, İstanbul, Turkey

Zeynep Kezer (University of California Berkeley, Architecture), The Making of a Nationalist Capital: Ideology and Socio-Spatial Practices in Early Republican Ankara, graduated in December 1998, currently at University of Nebraska

Nathaniel Fuster-Felix, (Harvard University, GSD Doctor of Design Degree), The Tropicalization of International Style: Identity and Criticism in the Architecture of Brazil and the Caribbean, graduated in spring 1999, currently at University of Puerto Rico

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